
Digital Identity at the G20

On June 18, 2024 the OpenID Foundation’s Executive Director, Gail Hodges, spoke about Digital Identity at the G20 during the Digital Government and Inclusion Workshop. The following are her prepared remarks.   Bom dia and hello. I’d first like to applaud the Brazilian Government for your impressive work on Digital Identity here, in Brazil, and […]

A Major Step Towards Interoperable Identity Assurance

By Mark Haine & Drummond Reed A persistent goal of digital identity technology is to enable relying parties to reach the level of identity assurance they need to proceed with any specific interaction. Although there are many descriptions of “identity assurance levels”, such as the three levels defined in the NIST SP 800-63 series, the goal itself […]

Fourth Implementer’s Draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance Specification Approved

The OpenID Foundation membership has approved the following specification as an OpenID Implementer’s Draft: OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This is the fourth Implementer’s Draft of this specification. This specification is a product of the […]

Fourth Public Review Period for OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance Specification Started

The OpenID eKYC and Identity Assurance Working Group recommends approval of the following specification as an OpenID Implementer’s Draft: OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 This would be the fourth Implementer’s Draft of this specification. An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This […]

Third Implementer’s Draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance Specification Approved

The OpenID Foundation membership has approved the following specification as an OpenID Implementer’s Draft: OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This is the third Implementer’s Draft of this specification. This specification is a product of the […]

Third Public Review Period for OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance Specification Started

The OpenID eKYC and Identity Assurance Working Group recommends approval of the following specification as an OpenID Implementer’s Draft: OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 This would be the third Implementer’s Draft of this specification. An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This […]

Second Implementer’s Draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance Specification Approved

The OpenID Foundation membership has approved the following specification as an OpenID Implementer’s Draft: OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This is the second Implementer’s Draft of this specification. This specification is a product of the […]