OpenID Certification Fee Schedule
NOTICE: This OpenID Connect Certification Fee Schedule page is designed to assist in understanding the associated fees for OpenID Certification by members and non-members. This Fee Schedule is subject to change at any time by the OpenID Foundation.

Fee Schedule for Certifying to Production Conformance Profiles
A fee is required for certifications to conformance profiles of OpenID Providers and Relying Parties that are generally available. The fee is intentionally low, to encourage participation, but is there to help cover the ongoing costs of operating the certification program:
- $700.00 USD per new deployment
Non-Member Certification Fees
- $3500.00 USD per new deployment
The OpenID Connect prices enable participants to certify a deployment to as many profiles as they choose within a calendar year for this one payment. For instance, a member could certify to the Basic OP and Config OP profiles by paying $700.00 USD and then later add certifications for Implicit OP, Hybrid OP, and Dynamic OP within the same calendar year at no additional cost. Separate payments are required for OP deployments and RP deployments.
- $1000.00 USD per new FAPI1 deployment
Non-Member Certification Fees
- $5000.00 USD per new FAPI1 deployment
One FAPI1 certification fee allows the certification to multiple profiles in a single certification submission, including all of FAPI-RW ID2, FAPI1-Advanced-Final and the FAPI1 Brazil-specific dynamic client registration (DCR) tests. Separate payments are required for OP deployments and RP deployments.
Member Certification Fees
- $1000.00 USD per new FAPI2 deployment
Non-Member Certification Fees
- $5000.00 USD per new FAPI2 deployment
One FAPI2 certification fee allows the certification to multiple profiles in a single certification submission, e.g. both generic FAPI2 and the ConnectID FAPI2 profile. Separate payments are required for OP deployments and RP deployments.
- $1000.00 USD per new FAPI-CIBA deployment
Non-Member Certification Fees
- $5000.00 USD per new FAPI-CIBA deployment
One FAPI-CIBA certification fees allows the certification to multiple profiles, so for example the cost to certify for all ‘Ping’/ ‘Poll’ modes and ‘MTLS’ / ‘Private key JWT’ client authentication is $1000.00 USD in total if you are a member.
Please pay for your certification application at the Certification Payment page when you send in your submission.
Fee Schedule for Certifying to Conformance Profiles in the Pilot Phase
While a conformance profile is still in the pilot phase, certification to it is open only to OpenID Foundation members. The entity making the certification request must be an OpenID Foundation member, whether it be an organization or an individual. No fee is required for certifications to these profiles, since they are still in the pilot phase, during which we are “testing the tests”. Like certification to production conformance profiles, payment will be required for new certifications to those profiles once the pilot phase has been completed and the profiles reach general availability.