Digital Credentials Protocols (DCP) Working Group - Specifications
The goal of the Digital Credentials Protocols (DCP) working group is to develop OpenID specifications for the Issuer-Holder-Verifier-Model use-cases to enable issuance and presentations of the Digital Credentials of any format (W3C VCs, IETF SD-JWT VCs, ISO/IEC 18013-5, etc.) and pseudonymous authentication from the End-User to the Verifier.
Digital Credentials Protocols (DCP) Working Group
Digital Credentials Protocols (DCP) Working Group
Digital Credentials Protocols (DCP) Working Group
Digital Credentials Protocols (DCP) Working Group
Some specifications are planned to be migrated from the Connect WG and some will be adopted in the new DCP WG. For the list of anticipated work items, please reference the DCP WG Charter.
Final Specifications
- None yet.
Implementer's Drafts
- OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OID4VCI)– Defines an API and corresponding OAuth-based authorization mechanisms for issuance of Verifiable Credentials
– Editors’ Draft (a version that reflects most recent changes since the last WG draft)
– Working Group Draft
– First Implementer’s Draft (provides IPR protection to the Implementers) - OpenID for Verifiable Presentations (OID4VP)– Defines a mechanism on top of OAuth 2.0 to allow presentation of claims in the form of Verifiable Credentials as part of the protocol flow
– Editors’ Draft
– Working Group Draft
– Third Implementer’s Draft (provides IPR protection to the Implementers)
- OpenID4VC High Assurance Interoperability Profile (HAIP)
Defines an profile of OpenID 4 VC for fulfilling high assurance requirements in conjunction with the SD-JWT VC or mdoc credential formats
– Editor’s Draft
– Working Group Draft - Security and Trust in OpenID for Verifiable Credentials
Describes the trust architecture in OpenID for Verifiable Credentials, outlines security considerations and requirements for the components in an ecosystem, and provides an informal security analysis of the OpenID for VC protocols.
– Working Group Draft
– GitHub Repository - OpenID for Verifiable Presentations over BLE
Defines how Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) can be used to request the presentation of verifiable credentials
– GitHub Repository