OpenID Foundation Contribution Agreements
Accordingly, please note that the OpenID Foundation does not accept any changes to the Contribution Agreement, the IPR Policy, or the Process Document. Because of the need for all work group contributors and all specification users to be subject to the same rights and obligations, and to provide assurance and clarity regarding those rights and obligations, it is critically important that all work group contributors agree to and are governed by the same terms regarding the issues covered by those documents.
Contribution Agreement
Contribution Agreement electronically.
Contribution Agreement
Contribution Agreement by paper.
Additionally, review the OpenID Meeting “Note Well” Statement – OpenID Meeting “Note Well” Statement – PDF
Please email completed hardcopy PDF agreements to
On March 1, 2012, the OIDF board unanimously approved a statement for inclusion in specifications whereby the OIDF explicitly grants a license to implementers. The board also reaffirmed that under the IPR policy, the patent promise applies only to the working groups listed in the IPR contribution agreements and not to all work of the foundation. This was a reaffirmation and not a change to the IPR policy.
Executed Contribution Agreements
This page contains a list of companies, entities, and individuals that have executed one or more Intellectual Property Contribution Agreements. If you require a copy or proof of agreement, please email to obtain more information.
1&1 Mail & Media Development & Technology GmbH All WGs Contributiuon Agreement
10x Banking All WGs Contribution Agreement
360kompany AG eKYC & IDA WG Contribution Agreement
42 Crunch FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Abhimanyu Yadav OpenYOLO WG Contribution Agreement
Abhimanyu Yadav All WGs Contribution Agreement
Abhishek Pamecha OpenID AB/Connect Contribution Agreement
Adam Cooper All WGs Contribution Agreement
Adorsys Gmbh & Co. KG FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
ADP FastFed WG Contribution Agreement
Advance HIE Resources HEART WG Contribution Agreement
AgileBits Account Chooser-Open YOLO WG Contribution Agreement
Ahmet Soormally All WGs Contribution Agreement
Alejandro Perez Mendez R&E WG Contribution Agreement
Alen Horvat All WGs Contribution Agreement
Alex Chalmers All WGs Contribution Agreement
Alex Olivier All Work Groups Contribution Agreement
Alex Bilbie OpenID AB Connect Contribution Agreement
Alex Plekhov R&E WG Contribution Agreement
Alexander Taffe AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Alexandre Babeanu All WGs Contribution Agreement
Alexandre Faria AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Alexandru Gologan All WGs Contribution Agreement
Alfredo Luiz dos Santos Junior All WGs Contribution Agreement
Alix Warnke AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Allan Foster All WGs Contribution Agreement
Allen Moffett Shared Signals WG Contribution Agreement
Allen Tom Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Allfocus Technologies MODRNA WG Contribution Agreement
Altmode Networks iGov WG Contribution Agreement
Amazon EAP WG Contribution Agreement
Amazon FastFed WG Contribution Agreement
Amazon Web Services Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Amazon Web Services RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Ameya Hanamsagar IPSIE WG Contribution Agreement
Amir Sharif AB/Connect & iGov Contribution Agreement
Amir Sharif All WGs Contribution Agreement
Amith Nirgunarthy FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Amos Alubala All WGs Contribution Agreement
Anamitra Dutta Majumdar Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Anders Rundgren FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Andreas Falk All WGs Contribution Agreement
Andrew Arnott Contract Exchange WG Contribution Agreement
Andrew Blake Barlow All WGs Contribution Agreement
Andrew Morgan All WGs Contribution Agreement
Andrew Zmolek Native App WG Contribution Agreement
Andrii Deinega All WGs Contribution Agreement
Andy Witrisna AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Angus Sim eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Animo Solutions B.V. All WGs Contribution Agreement
Anju Chamantha All WGs Contribution Agreement
Anthony Nadalin All WGs Contribution Agreement
Antoine Coeur AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Antonio Sorrentino All WGs Contribution Agreement
AOL Connect RISC Native Apps HEART Account Chooser WG Contribution Agreement
AOL Connect WG Contribution Agreement
APLcomp Oy FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Apple Inc. AB/Connect & DCP WGs Contribution Agreement
Aritz Besasarte AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Arnav Choudhury All WGs Contribution Agreement
Aruba RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Aserto AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Ashish Jain Native App WG Contribution Agreement
Atol Conseils and Développements AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Attributes Inc AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Audrius Ramoska DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Autentiz SpA All WGs Contribution Agreement
Auth0 AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Auth0 All WGs Contribution Agreement
Authlete All WGs Contribution Agreement
Authlete All WGs Contribution Agreement
Authlete All WGs Contribution Agreement
Authlete All WGs Contribution Agreement
Authlete eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Authlete MODRNA WG Contribution Agreement
Authlete Multiple OIDF WGs Contribution Agreement
Authlete Multiple OIDF WGs Contribution Agreement
Authlete Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Axel Nennker All WGs Contribution Agreement
Axel Nennker Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Axel Nennker FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Ayomiposi Igandan All WGs Contribution Agreement”
Barry O’Donohoe All WGs Contribution Agreement
Baycliff Strategy HEART WG Contribution Agreement
BBVA FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Beruku Identity eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Bespoke Engineering All WG Contribution Agreement
Bespoke Systems HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Bespoke Systems HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Better Health Technologies HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Beyond Identity All WGs Contribution Agreement
Biza Pty Ltd AB/Connect & FAPI WGs Contribution Agreement
Bjorn Hjelm All WGs Contribution Agreement
Blaine Cook OpenID AB Connect Contribution Agreement
Blerify Inc. Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Block Inc. (TBD) All WGs Contribution Agreement
Bloomberg LLP AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Booleans B. V. eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Box RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Brainsait Ltd All WGs Contribution Agreement
Brandon Harris All WGs Contribution Agreement
Brendan Malloy AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Brian Campbell OpenID AB/Connect Contribution Agreement
Brian Hoffman AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Brock Allen AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Brockett Carroll All WGs Contribution Agreement
Bruhaspathi Ltd All WGs Contribution Agreement
CA Technologies Native App WG Contribution Agreement
Cabinet Office iGov WG Contribution Agreement
CANARIE AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
caos Ltd All WGs Contribution Agreement
Capital One FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Capital One Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Capital One RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Capital One Financial Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Capital One Financial Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Carla Roncato FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Carlos Andre Fernandes All WGs Contribution Agreement
Casey Slaton All WGs Contribution Agreement
Cedric Luthi AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Cerner Innovation AB Connect Contribution Agreement
Certivox A/B Connect, Account Chooser and Backplane WG Contribution Agreement
Cezary Orlinski MODRNA WG Contribution Agreement
Chad Evans HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Chamath Samarawickarama All WGs Contribution Agreement
Charalampos Anthimos (Babis) Schoinochoritis FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Chathura Gunasekara All WGs Contribution Agreement
Chicago Advisory Partners All WGs Contribution Agreement
Christian Bormann AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Christian Bormann All WGs Contribution Agreement
Christina Bauer All WGs Contribution Agreement
Christopher Hendrix All WGs Contribution Agreement
Christopher Wells FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Chulalongkorn University All WGs Contribution Agreement
Cisco Systems All WGs Contribution Agreement
Cisco Systems Native App WG Contribution Agreement
Claudio Chinicz iGov WG Contribution Agreement
Cloudentity All WGs Contribution Agreement
Cloudentity AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Cloudentity FAPI & eKYC-IDA WGs Contribution Agreement
Codified AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Coinbase RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Colin Wallis iGov WG Contribution Agreement
Collinson Group FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
ConductorOne All WGs Contribution Agreement
Confyrm RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Confyrm RISC WG Contribution Agreement May 2015 Update
Connect2id AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Connect2id Account Chooser NAPPS Connect WGs Contribution Agreement
Connect2id Account Chooser NAPPS Connect WGs Contribution Agreement Update August 2015
Connect2id Ltd. FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Connect2id Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Considrd Consulting All WGs Contribution Agreement
Consortium GARR AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Contrahere Solutions AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Contrahere Solutions NAPPS WG Contribution Agreement
Contxt Ltd All WGs Contribution Agreement
Cordance Contribution Agreement
CoreOS Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Cracs Contribution Agreement
Craig Borysowich FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Craig Lane AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
CREALOGIX AG FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Curity AB AB/Connect & FAPI WGs Contribution Agreement
Curity AB FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Curity AB Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Curity AB Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
CyberArk All WGs Contribution Agreement
CZ.NIC Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Dale Moberg HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Daniel Correia OpenID AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Daniel Fett All WGs Contribution Agreement
Daniel Fett FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Daniel Katzman All WGs Contribution Agreement
Daniel Le Hair FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Daniel Perry Contribution Agreement
Daniel Seither AB/Connect WG
Danny van Leeuwen HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Danube Tech All WGs Contribution Agreement
Dashlane SAS Account Chooser-Open YOLO WG Contribution Agreement
Data Standards Body Australia Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Data Storage Research All WGs Contribution Agreement
DataGrail All WGs Contribution Agreement
David Black eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
David Brossard All WGs Contribution Agreement
David Chadwick All WGs Contribution Agreement
David Chadwick All WGs Contribution Agreement
David Doret AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
David Fonseca All WGs Contribution Agreement
David Groep R&E WG Contribution Agreement
David Gunter All WGs Contribution Agreement
David Hyland All WGs Contribution Agreement
David Kelts Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
David Walker EAP WG Contribution Agreement
Davide Vaghetti All Current WGs Contribution Agreement
Delinea All WGs Contribution Agreement
DENIC All Current WGs Contribution Agreement
DENIC eG AB/Connect & MODRNA WGs Contribution Agreement
Deniz Yoldaç All WGs Contribution Agreement
Dennis Gloss All WGs Contribution Agreement
Department of the Treasury (Data Standards Body) Australia All WGs Contribution Agreement
Deutsche Telekom Adds RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Deutsche Telekom AG AB/Connect WG Contributor Agreement
Deutsche Telekom February 18 2015 Revision Connect, Mobile Profile and Native Apps WG Contribution Agreement
Deutsche Telekom Mobile Profile WG Contribution Agreement
Deutsche Telekom Multiple OIDF WGs Updated Contribution Agreement
Deutsche Telekom Native App WG Contribution Agreement
Deutsche Telekom Updates Representatives
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchroto R&E WG Contribution Agreement
Dewi Siemerink All WGs Contribution Agreement
Dexter Awoyemi FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
DFN-Verein AB/Connect Contribution Agreement
DFN-Verein All OIDF WGs Contribution Agreement
Dharmvir Singh AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Di Wang All Work Groups Contribution Agreement
Diana Gudu AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Diego Torres All WGs Contribution Agreement
Digital and Population Data Services Agency All WGs Contribtuion Agreement
Digital Bazaar FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Dima Postnikov FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Dinesh Rajasekharan AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Dmitry Izumskiy All WGs Contribution Agreement
DSGV All WGs Contribution Agreement FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Duende Software All WGs Contribution Agreement
Dunamace Ltd FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
e BVBA Contribution Agreement
EasyDynamics iGov WG Contribution Agreement
Eduardo Dani Perottoni AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Elie Azerad AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Elena Trpevska All WGs Contribution Agreement
Elf Pavlik OpenID AB Contribution Agreement
Emilio Davis All WGs Contribution Agreement
Emily Xu Native App WG Contribution Agreement
Emmanuel Raviart OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
Engage Identity Multiple OIDF WGs Contribution Agreement
Envestnet Yodlee All OIDF WGs Contribution Agreement
equinux AG AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Eran Globen AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Eric Drury DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Eric Musgrave AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Erick Belluci Tedeschi FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Erick Sergueid Garibo Hernandez All WGs Contribution Agreement
Erin Anwar Reddick AB Connect, Native Apps and Mobile Profile WG Contribution Agreement
ETH Zürich All WGs Contribution Agreement
European netID Foundation All WGs Contribution Agreement
European netID Foundation eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Eve Maler All WGs Contribution Agreement
Fabian Aggeler All WGs Contribution Agreement
Fabian Hauck DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Fabian Kreiser AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Fabrizio Di Carlo All WGs Contribution Agreement
Facebook Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Facebook RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Factern Consulting Ltd All WGs Contribution Agreement
Filip Skokan AB/Connect & NAPPS WGs Contribution Agreement
Filip Skokan All WGs Contribution Agreement
Filip Skokan FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Finansystech LTDA All WGs Contribution Agreement
FINASTRA FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Finicity FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Firmsecure Canada AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Florian Märkl AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Fnu Sahil All WGs Contribution Agreement
ForgeRock Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
ForgeRock All WGs Contribution Agreement
ForgeRock All WGs Contribution Agreement
Francesco Marino AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Francisco Corella DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Fuyi Li AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Gabriel Corona AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Gabriel Zachmann All WGs Contribution Agreement
Gavin Wong FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Gavin Wong FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
GDS FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
GDS FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
General Computers Native Apps WG Contribution Agreement
Gennady Shulman IPSIE WG Contribution Agreement
Gennady Shulman All WGs Contribution Agreement
Geoffrey Harvey All WGs Contribution Agreement
Geoffrey Hichborn Native App WG Contribution Agreement
George Padayatti All WGs Contribution Agreement
Giada Sciarretta Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Gigya OpenID Account Chooser and Backplane Contribution Agreement
Gillan Ward eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Gina Collins All WGs Contribution Agreement
Giovanni Bartolomeo Contribution Agreement
Giuseppe De Marco All WGs Contribution Agreement
Giuseppe De Marco All WGs Contribution Agreement (2)
Glenn Robert Michael Grant AB Connect Profile WG Contribution Agreement
Gluu AB/Connect & EAP WGs Contribution Agreement
Gluu AB/Connect & FAPI WGs Contribution Agreement
Gluu Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Gluu OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
Gluu All WGs Contribution Agreement
GMO GlobalSign Oy MODRNA WG Contribution Agreement
Google Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Google Contribution Agreement
Google Contribution Agreement
Google Contribution Agreement oauth
Google Contribution Agreement Reciprocity
Google All WGs Contribution Agreement
Google All WGs Contribution Agreement
Granville Schmidt All WGs Contribution Agreement
GRNET AB/Connect & R&E WGs Contribution Agreement
GroupHub HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Hannah Short R&E WG Contribution Agreement
Hans Anders Rundgren All WGs Contribution Agreement
Harald Petersilka OpenID AB Contribution Agreement
Harrison Tang DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Harrison Ulrich IPSIE WG Contribution Agreement
Harsh Shah AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Hasanthi Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Health IDx HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Heather Flanagan All WGs Contribution Agreement
Heather Flanagan R&E WG Contribution Agreement
Dr. Heiko Klarl AuthZEN Contribution Agreement
Hindle Consulting Limited eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Hodari McClain eKYC & IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Hodari McClain All WGs Contribution Agreement
HSBC Global Services (UK) Limited All WGs Contribution Agreement
HSBC Global Services (UK) Limited All WGs Contribution Agreement
Humberto Corrêa da Silva All WGs Contribution Agreement
IBM Connect WG Contribution Agreement
IBM Contribution Agreement
ID Foundry OpenID Contribution Agreement
ID Machines HEART, Connect, Mobile Profile and Account Chooser WG Contribution Agreement
ID4me AISBL AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
iDAKTO SAS All WGs Contribution Agreement
iDAKTO SAS All WGs Contribution Agreement
Identity Alliance aka Trustbearer Labs PAPE Contribution Agreement
Ileana Balcu HEART WG Contribution Agreement
İlke Yurtseven All WGs Contribution Agreement
Illumila Contribution Agreement
Imprivata Native App WG Contribution Agreement
Indigo Consulting Native App WG Contribution Agreement
Indigo Consulting Native App WG Contribution Agreement
Innovative Identity Solutions Ltd eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Intrust FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Intuit eKYC & IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Intuit FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Intuit RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Ioannis Kanakarakis eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Itay Maoz AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Jack Hart All WG Contribution Agreement
James Bonifield All WGs Contribution Agreement
James Kraugh HEART WG Contribution Agreement
James Mowbray Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
James Willeke AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Jamf All WGs Contribution Agreement
Jan Kelin eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Janrain AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Janrain Backplane WG Contribution Agreement
Janrain Bryce Hamrick Backplane WG Contribution Agreement
JanRain Connect WG Contribution Agreement
JanRain Contribution Agreement
JanRain Contribution Agreement UX
Janrain Jason Cowley OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
Jared Hanson All WGs Contribution Agreement
Jason Raneses OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
Javier Ruiz Aranguren All WGs Contribution Agreement
Jean-Francois Lombardo AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Jeff Broberg Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Jeff Corrigan All WGs Contribution Agreement
Jeff Corrigan Multiple OIDF WGs Contribution Agreement
Jens Borgland AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Jeremy Carter All WGs Contribution Agreement
Jeremy Kolbe All WGs Contribution Agreement
Jin Wen HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Jin Wen All WGs Contribution Agreement
Joao Carlos Melati Filho All WGs Contribution Agreement
João Lopes AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Joao Rodolfo Vieira Da Silva All WGs Contribution Agreement
Joseph Corpman All WGs Contribution Agreement
Joey Pomperada AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
John Bradley Account Chooser Contribution Agreement
John Bradley Connect and AB WG Contribution Agreement
John Heaton-Armstrong All WGs Contribution Agreement
John McRobb eKYC & IDA WG Contribution Agreement
John Phenix FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
John Walker All WGs Contribution Agreement
Jonas Heinisch All WGs Contribution Agreement
Jonathan Hancock All WGs Contribution Agreement
Jonathan Rayback DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Jordan Meyerowitz FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Jordi Gascon AB/Connect & FAPI WGs Contribution Agreement
Joseph Boyle OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
Josh McKinney All WGs Contribution Agreement
Joshua Beach AB/Connect & OpenYOLO WGs Contribution Agreement
Jovin PJ All WGs Contribution Agreement
Juan Felipe Builes Gallo AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Julian Thurston RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Juri Wiens AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Jyllands-Posten AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Kamron Batmanghelich All WGs Contribution Agreement 2024-11-05
Kantara Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Karl McGuinness All WGs Contribution Agreement
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology AB/Connect & R&E WGs Contribution Agreement
Kelly Sauke All WGs Contribution Agreement
Kengo Suzuki All WGs Contribution Agreement
KDDI FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
KDDI Corporation Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Keeper Security Account Chooser-Open YOLO WG Contribution Agreement
Keith Hazelton All OIDF WGs Contribution Agreement
Kengo Suzuki AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Kengo Suzuki AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Kenichi Nakamura All WGs Contribution Agreement
Kent Sutherland AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Kevin Kohut FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Kick Willemse Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Kim Pham OpenID AB Connect Contribution Agreement
Kiran Thakkar All WGs Contribution Agreement
Kiyotaka Sasaya AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Kristina Yasuda All WGs Contribution Agreement
Krzysztof Trojan All WGs Contribution Agreement
Kyeyeon Kim AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Kyoho Satsumi AB/Connect Contribution Agreement
Larry Marks All WGs Contribution Agreement
Le Tran Xuan Phuong OpenID AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Leandro Boffi Mobile Profile WG Contribution Agreement
Leif Johansson OpenID Account Chooser and Connect Contribution Agreement
Lenah Chacha All WGs Contribution Agreement
Leonardo Raimundo FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Lepidum OpenID AB Connect Contribution Agreement
Linked In AATOC (RISC) WG Contribution Agreement
LinkedIn RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Linus Lewandowski AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Linus Lewandowski AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Lisa Hurley All WGs Contribution Agreement
Lisa Pitt All WGs Contribution Agreement
Lissi GmbH DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Lissi GmbH DCP WG Contribution Agreement
LogMeln Account Chooser-Open YOLO WG Contribution Agreement
Lonel Bufu Contribution Agreement
Luca Nardi AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Łukasz Jaromin All WGs Contribution Agreement
Luke Patterson AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Luke Taylor EAP WG Contribution Agreement
Maduranga Siriwardena AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Majeed Almadan HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Malcolm Vernon MODRNA WG Contribution Agreement
Manish Gupta IPSIE WG Contribution Agreement
Mankotte Kankanamalage Pushpalanka Rajaluxmie Jayawardhan All WGs Contribution Agreement
Manish Garg FAPI & MODRNA WGs Contribution Agreement
Manish Garg Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Måns Håkansson All WGs Contribution Agreement
Marcel Parciak AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Marko Jovanov AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Marko Milic All WGs Contribution Agreement
Marcus Hardt All WGs Contribution Agreement
Marcus Hardt R&E WG Contribution Agreement
Maria Vachino All WGs Contribution Agreement
Marianne Grima MODRNA WG Contribution Agreement
Mark Berg AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Mark Haine FAPI & eKYC WGs Contribution Agreement
Mark Kowalski AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Mark Lizar All WGs Contribution Agreement
Mark Verstege eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Mark Verstege FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Marko Ivančić All WGs Contribution Agreement
Markus Batz All WGs Contribution Agreement
Markus Sabadello OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
Martin Atkins Contribution Agreement
Martin Drewes All WGs Contribution Agreement
Mary McKee All WGs Contribution Agreement
Masayoshi Arakawa All WGs Contribution Agreement
Mastercard All WGs Contribution Agreement
Mastercard FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Matias Woloski OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
Matthew Belanger All WGs Contribution Agreement
Matthew Woolnough FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Matti Taimela All WGs Contribution Agreement
Mattr AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Medallia AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Meeco All WGs Contribution Agreement
Melek Somai All WGs Contribution Agreement
Meng Tse Hang DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Metazome AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Metazome AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Micha Kraus DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Micah Carrick AB/Connect & OpenYOLO WGs Contribution Agreement
Michael Animashaun All WGs Contribution Agreement
Michael B Jones All WGs Contribution Agreement
Michael Engan All OIDF WGs Contribution Agreement
Matthew Micheaux All WGs Contribution Agreement
Michael Palage All WGs Contribution Agreement
Michael Schäfer All WGs Contribution Agreement
Microsoft All WGs Contribution Agreement
Microsoft All WGs Contribution Agreement
Microsoft All WGs Contribution Agreement
Microsoft Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Microsoft Contribution Agreement PAPE
Microsoft Contribution Agreement Reciprocity
Microsoft RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Microsoft FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
MicroStrategy AB Connect Account Chooser and Backplane WG Contribution Agreement
Mike Mitrowski All WGs Contribution Agreement
Mirko Mollik All WGs Contribution Agreement
Mischa Sallé AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Mischa Sallé AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Mischa Sallé R&E WG Contribution Agreement
Mischa Sallé eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Mitre All WG Contribution Agreement
MITRE All WGs Contribution Agreement
MITRE Corporation Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Miura Kairi All WGs Contribution Agreement
Mixi OpenID AB/Connect Contribution Agreement
Mobile-ID Technologies And Services Joint Stock Company All WGs Contribution Agreement
Mohamed Jalloh All WGs Contribution Agreement
Mohamed Meligy AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Mohit Saxena AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Momentum Financial Technology Ltd. FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Money Forward FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Nagesh Bashyam HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Nagesh Gummadivalli All WGs Contribution Agreement
Naohiro Fujie All WGs Contribution Agreement
Naohiro Fujie FastFed WG Contribution Agreement
Naohiro Fujie_eKYC-IDA WG_Contribution Agreement
NAT.Consulting All WGs Contribution Agreement
Nathan Dors Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Natnael Gebremariam All WGs Contribution Agreement
Neeraj Jangid All WGs Contribution Agreement
Neeraj Jangid IPSIE WG Contribution Agreement
Neil John Thomson AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Netamia Contribution Agreement
Netcompany – Intrasoft All WGs Contribution Agreement
NetIQ Atul Mahajan Native App WG Contribution Agreement
NetIQ Native App WG Contribution Agreement
NetMesh Contribution Agreement
Next ID Limited AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Next ID Ltd eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
NextGen Healthcare Information Systems HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Nicholas Irving FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Nicholas Roy All OIDF WGs Contribution Agreement
Nicholas Roy Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Nicholas Roy Multiple OIDF WGs Contribution Agreement
Nicole Borrelli OpenID AB/Connect Contribution Agreement
Nikos Fotiou AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Nimbus Directory Services OpenID AB/Connect Contribution Agreement
nimbusID AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
NIST iGov WG Contribution Agreement
NIST All WGs Contribution Agreement
Nitin Tiwari All WGs Contribution Agreement
Nitro Agility Srl All WGs Contribution Agreement
Nolan Clark AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Norman Huang All WGs Contribution Agreement
Nov Matake All Current WGs Contribution Agreement
Nov Matake Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Nov Matake FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Novalyst IT OpenID AB/Connect Contribution Agreement
NRI Connect WG Contribution Agreement
NRI Contribution Agreement
NRI PAPE and Contract Exchange Contribution Agreement
NRI Secure Technology AB/Connect & FAPI WGs Contribution Agreement
Nulli Secundus Inc. All WGs Contribution Agreement
Numberline Security All WGs Contribution Agreement
Nughmman Butt AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Ohanae AB Contribution Agreement
OIDF Contribution Agreement
Okta All WGs Contribution Agreement
Okta All WGs Contribution Agreement
Okta All WGs Contribution Agreement
Okta All WGs Contribution Agreement
Okta AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Okta IPSIE WG Contribution Agreement
Olaf Grewe AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Oliver Terbu All WGs Contribution Agreement
OneLogin Native App WG Contribution Agreement
Onfido AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Open Banking Limited FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Open Banking Limited All WGs Contribution Agreement
Oracle Contribution Agreement – A/B Connect, EAP, iGov, MODRNA, and RISC
Oracle FastFed WG Contribution Agreement
Orange AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Orange Mobile Profile WG Contribution Agreement
Orange MODRNA WG Contribution Agreement
Orange Business Services SAS All WGs Contribution Agreement
Orie Steele DCP WG Contribution Agreement
OU Kuberpunk AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Owen Shepherd OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
Ozkan BV AB/Connect & FAPI WGs Contribution Agreement
Ozone Financial Technology Limited All WGs Contribution Agreement
Ozone Financial Technology Limited All WGs Contribution Agreement
Pasquale Buffolino All WGs Contribution Agreement
Patient Privacy Rights HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Patrick Foley All WGs Contribution Agreement
Patrick Parker AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Paul Blundell All WGs Contribution Agreement
Paul Grassi HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Paul Bastain All WGs Contribution Agreement
Paul Schreiber All WGs Contribution Agreement
Paul Templeman All WGs Contribution Agreement
PayPal All WGs Contribution Agreement
Pedro Felix OpenID AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Peercraft All WG Contribution Agreement
Peercraft Connect and Contract Exchange WG Contribution Agreement
Peter Graham Mobile Connect Profile WG Contribution Agreement
Petrus Karell AB Connect and Account Chooser WG Contribution Agreement
Philippe Clement Mobile Profile WG Contribution Agreement
Phillip Hunt All WGs Contribution Agreement
Phillip Long All WGs Contribution Agreement
Dr. Phillip Messerschmidt AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Phillip Nelson Backplane WG Contribution Agreement
Piers Hollott HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Ping Identity 2015 10 20 Update All WGs Contribution-Agreement
Ping Identity Adding RISC WG and Updating Contribution Agreement
Ping Identity All Current WGs Contribution Agreement
Ping Identity All Current WGs Contribution Agreement
Ping Identity All OIDF WGs Updated Contribution Agreement
Ping Identity All WGs Contribution Agreement
Ping Identity AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Ping Identity Connect and AB WG Contribution Agreement
Ping Identity HEART WG Contribution Agreement Addition
Ping Identity Mobile Profile WG Contribution Agreement
Ping Identity OpenID AB Connect Account Chooser and Native Applications WG Contribution Agreement
Piyush Jain OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
Praneeth Bodduluri FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Priya Samuel All WGs Contribution Agreement
Procivis AG All WGs Contribution Agreement
Pruthvi Raj Nadimpalli IPSIE WG Contribution Agreement
PSG Solutions MODRNA WG Contribution Agreement
QuadraMed HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Rachel Gentry RISC & iGov WGs Contribution Agreement
Rachel O’Connell All WGs Contribution Agreement
Radu Popa All WGs Contribution Agreement
Raidiam FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Raidiam FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Raidiam FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Raidiam Service Ltd All WGs Contribution Agreement
Raidiam Service Ltd All WGs Contribution Agreement
Raiffeisen Bank International Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Raiffeisen Bank International All WGs Contribution Agreement
Raiffeisen Bank International All WGs Contribution Agreement
Rave Scout LLC All WGs Contribution Agreement
Ravi Chhetri All WGs Contribution Agreement
Rebecka Gilliksson AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
RedHat AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
RecceID Ltd DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Regwez OpenYOLO WG Contribution Agreement
Ribose AB Connect and Account Chooser WG Contribution Agreement
Rick Freiberg All WGs Contribution Agreement
Rifaat Shekh-Yusef All WGs Contribution Agreement
Robert Lapes All WGs Contribution Agreement
Robert Ott Contract Exchange Contribution Agreement
Rock Solid Knowledge Ltd All WGs Contribution Agreement
Rohit Khare AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Roland Baum All WGs Contribution Agreement
Roland Hedberg All WGs Contribution Agreement
Roland Hedberg Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Roopesh Chander AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Ross Foard All WGs Contribution Agreemen
Ross Foard AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
RSA Security IPSIE WG Contribution Agreement
RTY HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Ruben Estrela AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Rudra Panda All WGs Contribution Agreement
Russell Allen IPSIE WG Contribution Agreement
Ryo Ito OpenID AB/Connect Contribution Agreement
SailPoint All Current WGs Contribution Agreement
SailPoint FastFed & RISC WGs Contribution Agreement
SailPoint FastFed WG Contribution Agreement
Sajith Appukuttan Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Salesforce Contribution Agreement
Salman Aljammaz AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Salvatore DAgostino OpenID AB/Connect Contribution Agreement
Samuel Fontebasso da Silva FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Sancho Canela Sancho DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Sander Dijkhuis DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Sandipan Banerjee AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Sangeetha Radhakrishnan Contribution Agreement
Santander eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Santosh Kumar Mobile Profile (MODRNA) WG Contribution Agreement
Sarath B Jayaraman All WGs Contribution Agreement
Sarthak Sahoo All WGs Contribution Agreement
Sascha Preibisch OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
Saviynt All WGs Contribution Agreement
Scytales AB AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Sean O’Dell AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Sean O’Dell Shared Signals WG Contribution Agreement
SEC4U Cybersecurity All WGs Contribution Agreement
SecureAuth Shared Signals & Events WG Contribution Agreement
SecureAuth SSE WG Contribution Agreement
SecureKey HEART NAPPS iGov WGs Contribution Agreement
SecureKey HEART WG Contribution Agreement
SecureKey iGov WG Contribution Agreement
SecureKey iGov WG Contribution Agreement March 2016 Update
SecureKey Mobile Connect Profile WG Contribution Agreement
SecureKey Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
SecureKey Native App WG Contribution Agreement
SecureKey Technologies FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
SecureKey Technologies OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
Sezoo DCP WG Contribution Agreement
SGM CONSULTING SERVICES eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement All WGs Contribution Agreement
Shadow SAS All WGs Contribution Agreement
Shakila Powell All WGs Contribution Agreement
Shawn McGuire All WGs Contribution Agreement
Shekhar Jha All WGs Contribution Agreement
Shigeya Suzuki All WGs Contribution Agreement
Shikha Porwal All WGs Contribution Agreement
SICPA SA DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Sietse Ringers All WGs Contribution Agreement
Signicat eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement All Current WGs Contribution Agreement
Six Apart Contribution Agreement
Solucom FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Solvies AB Connect Contribution Agreement
SpearIT Ltd. DCP WG Contribution Agreement
Sphereon International B.V. All WGs_Contribution Agreement 2024-08-06
Spruce Systems, Inc. All WGs Contribution Agreement
Srijith Sarman All WGs Contribution Agreement
Srikanth Pallabothu All WGs Contribution Agreement
Srinivasa Marreddy AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Srinivasa Marreddy All WGs Contribution Agreement
Srivathsan Morkonda Gnanasekaran eKYC & IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Stefan Aebischer AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Stefan Santesson All WGs Contribution Agreement
Stefan Stantesson All WGs Contribution Agreement
Steffen Schwalm All WGs Contribution Agreement
Steinar Noem FAOI & HEART WGs Contribution Agreement
Steve Venema All WGs Contribution Agreement
Steven Rennick All WGs Contribution Agreement
Stitch Money Ltd FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Strata Identity All WGs Contribution Agreement
Sudesha Shetty All WGs Contribution Agreement
Sultan Basim Shakir HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Sunbusiness AB WG Contribution Agreement
Sunet eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Sunet RISC Mobile Profile (MODRNA) and Account Chooser WGs Contribution Agreement
Suresh Attanayake AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
SURF bv All WGs Contribution Agreement
SWITCH AB/Connect & R&E WGs Contribution Agreement
Sxip Identity Contribution Agreement
Symantec RISC & Account Chooser-Open YOLO WGs Contribution Agreement
Symplified Native App WG Contribution Agreement
Syngulis AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Sytax2semantics HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Sytax2Semantics HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Tact Communications AB Contribution Agreement
Tact Communications OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
Tact Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Tact Contract Exchange WG Contribution Agreement
Tact Contribution Agreement
Takahiko Kawasaki AB Connect Profile WG Contribution Agreement
Takahiko Kawasaki Multiple OIDF WGs Contribution Agreement
Takayuki Sadahiro All WGs Contribution Agreement
Talend Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Talk It Up Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Tangui Le Pense AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Tascet AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Taylor Ongaro All Current WGs Contribution Agreement
tbu digital GmbH AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Technology Nexus AB Connect Napps iGov WG Contribution Agreement
Ted Tarney AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Telefónica Digital España All WGs Contribution Agreement
Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Telefonica Mobile Connect Profile WG Contribution Agreement
Telenor Digital AS MODRNA WG Contribution Agreement
Telenor Digital AS MODRNA WG Contribution Agreement
Telstra Connect, Account Chooser, Native Apps and Mobile Profile WG Contribution Agreement
Terrence Yang All WGs Contribution Agreement
Thales RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Thales Shared Signals & Events WG Contribution Agreement
The MITRE Corporation OpenID AB/Connect Contribution Agreement
The Saving and Investments Alliance All WGs Contribution Agreement
Thilina Shashimal Senarath All WGs Contribution Agreement
Thomas Bellebaum All WGs Contribution Agreement
Thomas Darimont All WGs Contribution Agreement
Thomas Johnson FastFed WG Contribution Agreement
Thomas Johnson All WGs Contribution Agreement
Thomas Jones All WGs Contribution Agreement
Thomas Jones FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Thomas Sullivan HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Thomas Tran All WGs Contribution Agreement
Thumilan Mikunthan AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Tim Bray Mobile Profile WG Contribution Agreement
Tim Bray OpenID Account Chooser Contribution Agreement
Tim Würtele All WGs Contribution Agreement
Timmy Klingeleers AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Tobias Schröpf AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Todd Lainhart AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Tom Jones FAPI & HEART WGs Contribution Agreement
Tractis Contribution Agreement
Tran Duy Nhat All WGs Contribution Agreement
Trevor Emig FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Tristan Lymbery All WGs Contribution Agreement
Tritl HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Truphone Specs AB WG Contribution Agreement
TRUSTDOCK eKYC-IDA WG Contribution Agreement
TRUSTID RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Trybe ID AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Twitter RISC WG Contribution Agreement
UberEther iGov WG Contribution Agreement
UberEther OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
Ubisecure Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Udo Neitzel AB Connect Profile WG Contribution Agreement
Umpqua Bank FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
UNINETT AB/Connect WG (Openid-specs-ab) Contribution Agreement
Uninett AS AB/Connect Contribution Agreement
University of Stuttgart All WGs Contribution Agreement
Uriel Ash All WGs Contribution Agreement
Uros Stevanovic R&E WG Contribution Agreement
Vasco Data Security Contribution Contribution Agreement
Veena Rajarathna All WGs Contribution Agreement
VeriClouds RISC WG Contribution Agreement
VeriClouds RISC WG Contribution Agreement
Veridium US Shared Signals WG Contribution Agreement
VeriSign Contribution Agreement
Verisign Contribution Agreement PAPE
Verizon Media Fletcher Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Verizon Media Garg FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Verizon Media Garg FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Verizon Media Mahadevaswamy MODRNA WG Contribution Agreement
Verizon Media Mahadevaswamy MODRNA WG Contribution Agreement
Verizon Media Patel AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Verizon Media Subbarao AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Verizon Media Yu AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Verizon Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
Verkkotelakka Ltd All WGs Contribution Agreement
Victor Lu All WGs Contribution Agreement
Víctor Andrade Ramírez All WGs Contribution Agreement
Victoria Richardson All WGs Contribution Agreement
Vigilance Ltd. FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Visa AB/Connect & eKYC&IDA WGs Contribution Agreement
Visa All WGs Contribution Agreement
Visa AB/Connect & DCP WGs Contribution Agreement
Visa AB/Connect & DCP WGs Contribution Agreement
Vitalij Dadaschjanz AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Vivek Kiran Ballakur All WGs Contribution Agreement
Vivek Shankar All WGs Contribution Agreement
Vivek Shankar FAPI and eKYC & IDA WGs Contribution Agreement
VMware All WGs Contribution Agreement
VMWare OpenID AB Connect Contribution Agreement
VMWare Shraddha Ladda Connect WG Contribution Agreement
VNG Realisatie AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
Vojtech Novak All WGs Contribution Agreement
Warren Kolber HEART WG Contribution Agreement
Wenkai Kevin Cheng AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Wesley Dunnington Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
WeWork All WGs Contribution Agreement
William Burke AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
William Dawson AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
William Jetter FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
William Kim OpenID AB Connect WG Contribution Agreement
William N Dawson Multiple WGs Contribution Agreement
William O’Dell AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Willie de Klerk All WGs Contribution Agreement
WinMagic Corp All WGs Contribution Agreement
Woosang Lee AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Workday Inc. All WGs Contribution Agreement
WSO2 Lanka Ltd FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Yahoo Attribute Exchange WG Contribution Agreement
Yahoo Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Yahoo Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Yahoo Contribution Agreement PAPE
Yahoo Contribution Agreement Reciprocity
Yahoo Inc All WGs Contribution Agreement
Yahoo! Japan FAPI WG Contribution Agreement
Yasas Ramanayaka All WGs Contribution Agreement
Yash Prakash AuthZEN WG Contribution Agreement
YES Europe AG Multiple OIDF WGs Contribution Agreement AG Multiples WGs Contribution Agreement
Yinli ZHU AB/Connect WG Contribution Agreement
Yoshihiko Nagoya All WGs Contribution Agreement
Zhanna Tsitkov AB Connect Profile WG Contribution Agreement
Zhen Chien Chia FastFed WG Contribution Agreement
Zhijun Zhang OpenID Connect Contribution Agreement
ZmartZone All WGs Contribution Agreement
Zonr Change eKYC & IDA WG Contribution Agreement
Zscaler All WGs Contribution Agreement