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2024 Officers

Chairman & Community Representative
Nat Sakumura
NAT Consulting LLC
Nat Sakimura is a well-known identity and privacy standardization architect and the representative partner of NAT Consulting.
Besides being an author/editor of such widely used standards as OpenID Connect, FAPI, JWT (RFC7519), JWS (RFC7515), OAuth PKCE (RFC7636) ISO/IEC 29184, ISO/IEC 29100 Amd.1, he helps communities to organize themselves to realize the ideas around identity and privacy. As the chairman of the board of the OpenID Foundation, he streamlined the process, bolstered the IPR management, and greatly expanded the breadth of the Foundation spanning over 10 working groups whose members include large internet services, mobile operators, financial institutions, governments, etc. He is also active in public policy space. He has been serving in various committees in the Japanese government including Study Group on the Platform Services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and Study Group on the competition in Digital Market of the Fair Trade Commission of Japan.

Vice Chairman
Dima Postnikov
ConnectID (Australia Payments Plus)
Dima Postnikov is an experienced identity professional who led consumer identity architecture for the largest banks in Australia.
Dima is a dedicated contributor to global identity standards and the community with the goal of improving privacy and user experience, solving real-life problems and delivering new identity capabilities. As part of the involvement in the OpenID Foundation, he has contributed to several FAPI working group specifications and is a co-chair of GAIN PoC Community working group. Dima’s special interest areas are digital identity and open banking ecosystems. He has extensive experience in Open Banking architecture and delivery. Dima is Head of Identity Strategy and Architecture at ConnectID (Australia Payments Plus) working on Australian national digital identity infrastructure.

Marie Jordan
Visa Inc.
Marie Jordan is a 20-year veteran in the field of digital payments, including expertise in authentication, security, identity, and financial inclusion.
Marie has spent many years working with both public and private sector organizations, connecting with government engagement and public policy teams around the globe and working with institutions representing the payments sector to promote technology advancements for privacy, security, and interoperability. For the past 4 years, Marie has been at Visa and in her current Senior Director role, she manages Visa’s engagement with Standards and Trade Associations, which includes over 100 global, regional, and in-country organizations. She also serves in several Standards and Trade Associations’ working groups advancing the voice of the payments ecosystem. She has authored and/or co-authored many policy documents and responses to governments’ request for comments, such as policy enablers to advance global digital identity, which can be found on the Visa Economic Empowerment Institute website. She has also worked with global organizations, such as the World Bank, World Economic Forum, FATF and others on identity policies and recommendations. She has been featured in spotlight interviews focusing on “Women in Identity”, such as one by the Digital Identity and Authentication Council of Canada to share her passion about inclusion and diversity in the identity space.

Nancy Cam-Winget

Community Representative
George Fletcher
Capital One Financial
Sustaining Board Members

Ian Glazer
Ian Glazer is the founder and president of Weave Identity – an advisory services firm.
Prior to founding Weave, Ian was the Senior Vice President for Identity Product Management, at Salesforce. His responsibilities include leading the product management team, product strategy and identity standards work. Earlier in his career, Ian was a research vice president and agenda manager on the Identity and Privacy Strategies team at Gartner, where he oversaw the entire team’s research. He is a Board Emeritus and the co-founder of IDPro, and works to deliver more services and value to the IDPro membership, raise funds for the organization, and help identity management professionals learn from one another. During his career in the identity industry, he has co-authored a patent on federated user provisioning, co-authored and contributed to user provisioning specifications, is a noted blogger, speaker, and photographer of his socks.

Elcio Calefi
Chicago Advisory Partners
Elcio Calefi is currently CIO in the Open Finance Transformation Initiave in Brazil.
He is an experienced executive in transformation initiatives on the Financial Industry, leading complex projects, M&A initiaves, Data and Open Finance tech strategy for the largest ecosystem in LATAM. Passionate on how technology, innovation and people have potential to solve problems, creating competitive advantages and change lives.

Dirk Balfanz
Dirk is a software engineer in Google’s Identity Team, working in the area of online digital identity.
Dirk is a software engineer in Google’s Identity Team, working in the area of online digital identity. Before that, he worked on strengthening authentication on the web through the use of public-key cryptography, co-authoring some of the related FIDO and Web Authentication standards. Going further back, Dirk worked on Google’s OpenID and OAuth implementations, as well as different pieces of Google’s (and Android’s) authentication and authorization infrastructure. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Princeton University.

Kosuke Koiwai

Adam Sommer
Adam is Vice President, Industry Standards at Mastercard where he is responsible for the evolution and deployment of industry security standards.
dam works with a wide range of standards organizations around the globe to ensure a safe & secure payments system. Adam has 20 years’ experience in the payments industry with Mastercard. He holds a Master of Arts in International Affairs from Washington University, a MBA from Mayville University, and a BA in Accounting from Fontbonne University. Mr. Sommer holds numerous security certifications including CISSP, CISM, CISA, CDPSE, and CRISC.

Pamela Dingle
Pamela Dingle is a veteran of the identity management world, working first as an identity architect and then in the Office of the CTO for Ping Identity.
Dingle is now the Director of Identity Standards at Microsoft, where she runs a team that collaborates in various industry contexts such as IETF, OpenID Foundation, FIDO Alliance, and Decentralized Identity Foundation. She is also a founder of Women in Identity (

Osamu Oshima
NRI Secure
Osamu Oshima is an engineering manager at NRI SecureTechnologies, where he is responsible for the identity solution business.

Aaron Parecki
Aaron Parecki is an Identity Standards Architect at Okta with over 15 years of experience in the industry.
He is active in multiple standards development organizations (SDOs), including IETF, OpenID Foundation, and W3C. He is the editor of OAuth 2.1 along with several other OAuth specifications, and co-chairs the SCIM working group at IETF. He has taught the fundamentals of OAuth and online security to thousands of developers worldwide through his book OAuth 2.0 Simplified as well as video courses and live online trainings.

Wesley Dunnington
Ping Identity
Wesley has over 25 years in the software industry and is a 15-year veteran of the identity and security space.
Wesley is currently Vice President of Architecture and Field CTO for Ping Identity. In his role Wesley is responsible for the architectural strategy of Ping’s offerings. Wesley also works with Ping’s field teams and customers to understand the challenges they are facing and to discuss the business value and implications of new technologies.
Wesley is actively involved in both the creation and adoption of new standards to help industry wide interoperability. He is a board member of the OpenID Foundation, and is co-chair of the Financial Data Exchange (FDX) Security working group.

Naveen CM
Naveen CM has over 18 years of experience in information technology and identity management with a deep understanding of user security.
Naveen is currently an Architect in Yahoon responsible for architectural changes and focused on improving the security and user experience for the users. Naveen previously worked in Hewlett Packard and Robert Bosch.
Community & Corporate Representative Board Members

Community Representative
John Bradley
Mr. Bradley is an Identity Management subject matter expert and IT professional with a diverse background.
Mr. Bradley has over 15 years’ experience in the information technology and identity management field. Mr. Bradley advises Government Agencies and commercial organizations on the policy and technical requirements of Identity Management, Federated Identity, PKI and smart card solutions. Mr. Bradley communicates effectively with clients, vendors, staff and standards organizations to brief them on complex state-of-the-art identity management concepts, best practices, and technical requirements. He is also Chair of the Federation Interoperability WG at Kantara. He is treasurer of the openID Foundation, on the advisory board for OIX, and an active contributor to SAML and other OASIS specifications at OASIS. . Mr. Bradley is one of the leaders of OSIS, and the Kantara Interoperability Review Board, forums that vendors use for industry interoperability testing, and thus has an in-depth understanding not only of the factors that contribute to success, but of upcoming trends that affect whether strategic planning will ensure optimal effectiveness for future operability. Recently John has been co-authoring the ICAM protocol profiles at Protiviti Government Services on behalf of GSA, and continues to support the FICAM interoperability Lab. Current projects include co-authoring the next version of the openID specification and related standards.

Community Representative
Dr. Michael B. Jones
Self-Issued Consulting
Michael B. Jones is on a quest to build the Internet’s missing identity layer.
He is an editor of the OpenID Connect specifications, IETF OAuth specifications, including JSON Web Token (JWT) and DPoP, the IETF JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) specifications, FIDO 2.0, and W3C Web Authentication. Michael has been recognized as Distinguished Engineer by OpenID Foundation for creating simple, secure, ubiquitous, interoperable digital identity solutions since 2005. As a long-time member of the OpenID Board of Directors, he architected the award-winning and globally adopted OpenID Certification program. He chairs the IETF COSE working group. Michael’s Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University led to a lifelong career in digital identity, computer security, privacy, and networking. He is passionate about mentoring the next generation of identity leaders. His professional Web site is, he blogs at and tweets at @selfissued.

Corporate Representative
Atul Tulshibagwale
Atul is the CTO of SGNL, a company backed by Microsoft and Cisco and founded by ex-Googlers that helps enterprises minimize damage from identity breaches, social engineering / phishing and malicious insiders.
Atul is a federated identity pioneer and the inventor of the Continuous Access Evaluation Protocol (CAEP). He was most recently a software engineer at Google, where his seminal blog post kicked-off the industry-wide movement that culminated in the OpenID Foundation’s Shared Signals working group, which he co-chairs. His leadership in developing and promoting SSF and CAEP, the critical zero-trust standards, has been influential in their widespread adoption. Many companies including Apple and Okta have now announced support for these standards. Previously, Atul was a co-founder and the CEO of Trustgenix, a federated identity pioneer that was acquired by HP. Trustgenix contributed to the development of federated identity standards such as SAML 2.0 and the Liberty Alliance Framework.

Corporate Representative
Mark Verstege
Australia Commonwealth Treasury
Mark is a technical leader for DSB, which is responsible for leading the delivery of security and technical standards across the Australian economy.
Mark is Technical Lead for the DSB, responsible for leading the delivery of security and technical standards across the Australian economy. The DSB is responsible for developing Australia’s data standards for the Consumer Data Right, which gives Australian consumers the right to share their data between service providers of their choosing; and Digital ID giving Australians a more secure, and voluntary way to verify their ID.