Submission of Certification Results for OpenID Connect RPs

This page describes how to submit completed RP conformance testing results to the OpenID Foundation to request OpenID Connect certifications. Before submission, first all tests must be successfully passed for the desired conformance profiles and testing results gathered, as described in the RP Testing Instructions. All tests MUST be in the ‘FINISHED’ status. Note that results with warnings are acceptable for certification purposes.

Please note that the full supplied log files will be published as part of a successful certification and these may contain client credentials, private keys, and other potentially sensitive data that are part of the test configuration, so it is recommended to deactivate clients and revoke keys prior to submitting your results.

For each conformance profile being certified to, the following information must be submitted in its own certification package:

  1. A signed copy of the Certification of Conformance (docx) (PDF) naming that profile. (‘OpenID Conformance Profile’ field in the file must contain a valid profile name, i.e one of the certification table column labels at, e.g ‘FAPI R/W OP w/ Private Key’) This should use the filename OpenID-Certification-of-Conformance.pdf in the submitted results. (A different extension such as .jpg for the scanned document may be used as appropriate.) Fields in this file must be filled according to the following rules:
    1. ‘Software or Service (“Deployment”) Name & Version #’ field must contain a version number. If you are certifying a service which does not have a version number then you can use an artificial version number such as ‘as of June 2021’ or ‘June 2021 Release’. A version string is always required and you will be asked to resubmit if you do not provide a version number.
    2. ‘OpenID Conformance Profile’ field must contain a valid profile name, i.e one of the certification table column labels at, e.g ‘FAPI R/W RP w/ Private Key’. Test plan names cannot be used instead of a profile name.
    3. ‘Conformance Test Suite Software’ field must contain the string “” and the conformance suite version number, for example “ version 4.1.18”.
    4. ‘Authorized Signature’ field must contain a signature. It can be a regular signature or an electronic one such as Docusign. The document can be signed by any authorized person who actually works for the implementer, the document cannot be signed by third parties, e.g by an external consultant.
  2. Test plan logs downloaded from the conformance suite.
  3. Evidence demonstrating the behavior of the relying party for each test.
    This can take the form of RP log files, screen captures (image files), or both. These files must be placed inside a folder named “client-data” (without the quotes).


    1. Files should be named consistently using the test name as the file name prefix. For example the log file for oidcc-client-test-invalid-iss should be named oidcc-client-test-invalid-iss.log or oidcc-client-test-invalid-iss-logs.txt or similar.
    2. If more than one file needs to be included for a test then they should be named oidcc-client-test-invalid-iss-1.log, oidcc-client-test-invalid-iss-2.log or similar.
    3. When a test plan contains the same test multiple times, e.g for an hybrid profile, then the filenames must also contain the response type. For example for an hybrid test plan, client log files for oidcc-client-test-invalid-iss should be named as follows:
      • oidcc-client-test-invalid-iss_code-id_token.log
      • oidcc-client-test-invalid-iss_code-token.log
      • oidcc-client-test-invalid-iss_code-id_token-token.log

A typical submission package will have the following folder structure:

  1. OpenID-Certification-of-Conformance.pdf
  3. client-data
    • oidcc-client-test.log
    • oidcc-client-test-nonce-invalid.log
    • oidcc-client-test-client-secret-basic.log

The certification package must consist of a single .zip file containing all the files and using the paths above. The certification package must be created by using the ‘Publish for certification’ button on the plan results page.

To prepare the certification package using the ‘Publish for certification’ button:

  • Select OpenID-Certification-of-Conformance.pdf and ‘Client Data’ files which will be uploaded and added to the package
  • Click ‘Create Certification Package’ button

The downloaded certification package must be renamed before submission as follows. The certification package filename must contain the name of the organization, the software being certified, the profile being certified to, and the current date. For example, a certification request by the ProseWare organization of its “Humongous Identity” software for the Basic RP profile on June 30, 2020 should use a filename like

Example values for the blanks in the Certification of Conformance (docx) (PDF) are as follows:

  • Name of Entity (“Implementer”) Making this Certification: ProseWare
  • Software or Service (“Deployment”) Name & Version #: Humongous Identity 3.14159
  • OpenID Connect Conformance Profile: Basic Relying Party
  • Conformance Test Suite Software & Version #: 4.0.5
  • Test Date: June 20, 2020
  • Authorized Signature: HQB
  • Name: Harry Q. Bovik
  • Title: Senior Computer Scientist
  • Date: June 30, 2020
  • Implementer’s Name: Jane Doe
  • Implementer’s Title: Programmer Extraordinaire
  • Implementer’s Phone: +1 (412) 555-1234
  • Implementer’s Email:
  • Implementer’s Address: 5000 Forbes Ave.
  • Implementer’s City, State/Province, Postal Code: Pittsburgh, PA 15213
  • Implementer’s Country: United States of America

The conformance test suite software version number you used can be found on the results page for your test plan.

The certification package must be sent to us using the certification request form. An immediate automatic e-mail will be sent acknowledging receipt. Please check you received this e-mail, as any questions we have will be sent in the same way. If you don’t receive any further response within 3 working days, feel free to inquire about status by e-mailing a message to, cc’ing

A fee is required for certifications unless the conformance profile is still in the pilot phase. See the OpenID Certification Fee Schedule page for more information. Please pay for your certification application at the Certification Payment page when you make your submission.