Barack Obama’s Adds OpenID Commenting

Published November 26, 2008
As first reported by ReadWriteWeb, President-elect Obama's website now supports OpenID sign in for commenting on certain blog posts and sections of their site. uses Intense Debate to power their comment who recently relaunched with OpenID support.  As ReadWriteWeb wrote:
Every other major player that has announced support for OpenID has in fact only allowed accounts with their company to be used as an OpenID elsewhere - they have not allowed other OpenIDs to be used to log in to their own sites. That means Barack Obama is cooler than AOL, MySpace, Google and Yahoo!. Maybe you already knew that, though.
Intentional or not, it's great to see OpenID continue to be built into tools used all over the web whether it be Open Source development frameworks, OS X Leopard, or hosted services like Intense Debate.  Putting OpenID in front of such a mainstream audience will certainly continue pushing the community down the path of smoothing out OpenID's user experience. OpenID spotted on