
The 7 Laws of Identity Standards

The OpenID Foundation is proud to participate in the first ever ‘Identity Management Day,’ an annual awareness event that will take place on the second Tuesday in April each year. The inaugural Identity Management Day is April 13, 2021. Founded by the Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA), the mission of Identity Management Day is to educate business leaders […]

“Exploring Financial-grade API (FAPI) with Torsten” Podcast is Live

The OpenID Foundation is pleased to sponsor the Identity, Unlocked second season premiere podcast featuring host Vittorio Bertocci and special guest Torsten Lodderstedt, “Exploring Financial-grade API (FAPI) with Torsten”. Torsten is a long time member of and contributor to the OpenID Foundation. Torsten has contributed significantly to the FAPI security profile and is the co-chair […]

OpenID Foundation to Sponsor Auth0’s Identity, Unlocked Podcast

Highly-rated identity specifications and trends podcast concludes season one; season two to launch in January 2021   BELLEVUE, Wash. – Dec. 17, 2020 – Auth0, the identity platform for application teams, today announced that the OpenID Foundation will be the exclusive sponsor for season two of Auth0’s flagship podcast ‘Identity, Unlocked,’ scheduled to release in January 2021. Auth0 and the […]

OpenID Foundation Co-Sponsoring Santander Digital Trust Hackathon

The OpenID Foundation is excited to be a co-sponsor for the Santander Digital Trust Hackathon. This global virtual hackathon will capitalize on Santander’s Digital Trust API and the need to innovate how data is shared, verified and trusted. The goal is to reimagine how we verify identity and validate data, while ensuring users’ privacy. OpenID […]

Announcing the redesign of

As the US government considers OpenID as a vehicle for citizen engagement, it became time for the OpenID Foundation’s website to receive similar consideration. For some time, the site has been neglected and ignored — serving primarily as a resource for developers, with little regard paid to people just learning about digital identity. The new […]