Picking up Speed on the FAPI Roadmap: From the FAPI RW Implementers Draft 2 to FAPI 1.0 Advanced Final

Published March 21, 2021

The FAPI Working Group published a FAPI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) as a resource for those new to FAPI and implementing FAPI. This FAQ will evolve over time as the Foundation engages with new members like the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission as well as colleagues in the US, Australia, Brazil and other jurisdictions on their open banking initiatives which were recently highlighted in an OIDF blog.

Earlier this month, the OpenID Foundation achieved a major milestone in publishing the Financial-grade API (FAPI) Parts 1.0 and 2.0 final specifications. This is a true accomplishment for open banking initiatives worldwide.

Many organizations and jurisdictions have utilized the FAPI Implementers Draft 2 as the starting point of their adoption of FAPI in defining their open banking solution stacks. To assist these organizations and jurisdictions in transitioning from the FAPI RW Implementers Draft 2 to the FAPI 1.0 Advanced Final specification, Joseph Heenan, led the OpenID certification work and  published a non-normative list of changes document.

This document is a non-normative list of the changes between the second implementers draft of FAPI1 part 1 (read only / baseline) and part 2 (read-write / advanced) and the final versions:

  • Changes are listed as major if they may require alterations to implementations.
  • Changes are listed as minor if they are generally clarifications and are unlikely to require alterations to existing implementations that were already applying best current practice.
  • Most changes have both client and server clauses that reflect the same change to the protocol; such a change is only listed once below in the interests of brevity.

The progress and pace of standards development is a function of the contribution of human capital, especially domain expertise. The Foundation would like to thank member, Authlete, a consistent key contributor to the FAPI standards. Authlete’s contribution of Joseph Heenan’s time and talent that was key to the ongoing improvements in the evolution of the FAPI standard.