Published December 21, 2023, revised January 6, 2024.
Note: The deadline for indicating interest in the CAEP Interoperability Event has been extended from January 6, 2024 to January 12, 2024.
The OpenID Foundation, in partnership with Gartner, would like to invite you to participate in an interoperability event where different implementers can demonstrate the compatibility of their implementations to the Continuous Access Evaluation Profile (CAEP) of the Shared Signals Framework (SSF), along with the Risk Incident Sharing and Coordination (RISC) profile. CAEP, SSF and RISC are open standards considered to be important to zero-trust security. Multiple implementers have announced their upcoming support for CAEP and related specs, as referenced in “The Importance of OpenID Foundation Shared Signals Framework” on December 14, 2023.
The Gartner Identity & Access Management Summit will be held in London on March 4-5th, 2024. As a part of this summit, Gartner has invited the OpenID Foundation to host an interoperability event that demonstrates standards-based interoperability between implementer products that implement the OpenID specifications CAEP, SSF and optionally, RISC.
In order to make this event a success, the OpenID Foundation, in partnership with Gartner, would like to invite you to participate as an implementer in this event. Anyone with an eligible implementation may sign up to be an implementer at this interop event without a requirement to be a contributor to the Shared Signals WG or a member of the OpenID Foundation. An eligible implementation is not required to be a production-quality / shipping product, but needs to be one the implementer reasonably believes will be a part of their operational / production services or will be a part of their shipping products in the near future. Space is limited so implementers will be included on a “first come first served” basis.
Event Outline
The CAEP Interoperability Event will have the following structure:
- On or before Jan 6th, 2024: Implementers indicate their interest in participation
- On or before Jan 17th, 2024: OpenID Foundation specifies, after discussing with implementers, the use cases that may be demonstrated by implementers
- On or before Feb 3rd, 2024: Implementers commit to their participation
- Feb 3rd - March 2nd 2024: Implementers perform online testing of their implementations against the interoperability specification provided by the OpenID Foundation. This profile is preliminary and is under active discussion by the Shared Signals WG. Anyone may participate in this WG to discuss the interop profile without cost by signing an OpenID Foundation Contribution Agreement. Online testing may be performed using or using peer implementations that are available for such testing.
- March 3rd, 2024: Venue (the Interop Event room) open for the entire day for Interop Event implementers to set up and perform final interoperability tests
- March 4th, 2024 11:45am - 12:15pm: Gartner analyst Erik Wahlstrom hosts a breakout session that includes a description of the Interop Event and announces its results. Shared Signals WG co-chair Atul Tulshibagwale will join Erik on stage for provide details and for demonstrating interoperable products
- March 4 2024 12:15 until 5:00pm: Appointment slots will be available through the Gartner event application to visit the Interop room. Implementors will be able to show implementations to conference guests with appointments, and answer questions.
- [Subject to Sponsorship and venue availability] VIP drinks ~4:30-7:00pm March 4th reception for interop implementers to celebrate their first interop event, and select government and IAM guests to provide informal feedback and advice to further accelerate market adoption.
Implementer Commitments Desired
- By Jan 12, 2024, confirm interest in participation by sending email to Shared Signals WG co-chair, Atul Tulshibagwale* at
- By Jan 27 2024, discuss and review the interoperability profile and finalize participation details
- By Feb 3, 2024: Final commitment to participate in this interoperability event with your organization’s defined scope*
- Feb 4-Mar 2nd, 2024: Perform online interoperability testing with other Interop Event implementers, coordinated by OpenID Foundation*
- Mar 3 - 4 2024, Be present at the Gartner IAM Summit venue in London to participate in the interoperability event*
* Capacity for this interop event is limited to 8 implementations due to limited venue capacity. As a result, we will record expressions of interest and participation commitments on a “first come first served” basis. If implementers miss any of the deadlines above they may lose their spot to an organization on the waitlist. We encourage all implementers to ensure they are fully prepared on a timely basis. We will also maintain a waitlist of implementers if more than 8 show interest or are willing to commit.
Participant FAQ
What Commitments does a participant need to make in order to participate:
Participants need to make the following commitments:
- Presence at the Interop Event room from March 3-4th during normal business hours.
- Demonstrate support for at least one use-case specified in the CAEP Interoperability Specification. The demonstration can be on prototype / developer code, but the participant should reasonably believe that the feature will be available in a short time frame in one or more of that participant’s products
- Work to demonstrate interoperability with other products that are a part of Interop Event for all use-cases the participant has committed to support
- Make a video recording of all interoperability use-cases that have been successfully tested with other participants
Is there an online service where implementations may be tested beforehand?
Participants can test their implementations against an online service that will be posted soon, specific to the new interop test profile. In the meantime, implementers may choose to test their implementations (transmitters and receivers) against, a service developed by SGNL in partnership with the OpenID Foundation.
What signage may be presented in the Interop Event room by participants?
Signage will be made available on each of the tables where the interop demonstrations will be conducted in the breakout room 12:15-5:00pm March 4, 2024.
How will my product be displayed to the audience?
An OpenID Foundation representative will demonstrate all use-cases where there are more than 1 participant on stage. In order to demonstrate the use-cases, the OpenID Foundation will use some of the implementer products. All implementer products may be seen by the audience when they visit the Interop Event room. Gartner will invite people to visit the Interop Event room at the end of the presentation, and make appointments via the conference event application.
Is there a cost to implementers?
There is no cost to implementers to take part in this interoperability event. We are seeking an implementer willing to sponsor a small drinks reception on March 4th, 2024. More generally, we warmly welcome all implementers joining the OpenID Foundation as contributors (at no cost) and as members to support and sustain the OpenID Foundation.
About the OpenID Foundation
The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) is a global open standards body committed to helping people assert their identity wherever they choose. Founded in 2007, we are a community of technical experts leading the creation of open identity standards that are secure, interoperable, and privacy preserving. The Foundation’s OpenID Connect standard is now used by billions of people across millions of applications. In the last five years, the Financial Grade API has become the standard of choice for Open Banking and Open Data implementations, allowing people to access and share data across entities. Today, the OpenID Foundation’s standards are the connective tissue to enable people to assert their identity and access their data at scale, the scale of the internet, enabling “networks of networks” to interoperate globally. Individuals, companies, governments and nonprofits are encouraged to join or participate. Find out more at