2022 OpenID Foundation Kim Cameron Award Recipients Announced

Published April 29, 2022

The OpenID Foundation is pleased to announce the first cohort of awardees for inaugural launch of the Kim Cameron Award Program. We first must thank the many well-qualified applicants who presented compelling interest in user-centric identity.  The Foundation anticipates future opportunities for similar awards.

The Foundation also thanks our partners; the organizers of the European Identity and Cloud ConferenceIdentiverse and the welcome the addition of the Chrysalis Conference for future awards. Awardees will be given full access to these important industry events and will be introduced to the identity domain experts and industry opinion leaders at the conference while being welcomed by our colleagues in other industry organizations.

The 2022 Kim Cameron Award recipients:

 This first cohort of awardees will help shape a program intended to maximize the value of the award for recipients and complement similar efforts in other organizations to ensure its inclusivity, diversity and international access.

The OpenID Foundation hopes to scale and extend the program in partnership with others. In order to do so, we welcome your suggestions and encourage financial contributions from members through directed funding. For more information or to provide feedback, please contact director@oidf.org and don@oidf.org.