OpenID Foundation Publishes “The Global Open Health Movement: Empowering People and Saving Lives by Unlocking Data” Whitepaper
The OpenID Foundation is pleased to share their 1st Editor’s Draft of the whitepaper, “The Global Open Health Movement: Empowering People and Saving Lives by Unlocking Data”. This whitepaper has been written for technologists in the public and private health sectors that are trying to deliver “Open Health”, by helping people to securely access and […]
Guest Blog: Alen Horvat Attends EIC 2022 as Kim Cameron Award Recipient
The Kim Cameron Award program, initiated by the OpenID Foundation in 2022, is an essential step in evolving the global digital identity community. I’m genuinely honoured to be one of the first Award recipients, for my work and contributions are recognised. My digital identity journey began in the decentralised digital identity space. It expanded towards […]
Public Review Period for Proposed Final OpenID Connect Logout Specifications
The OpenID OpenID Connect Working Group recommends approval of the following specifications as OpenID Final Specifications: OpenID Connect Session Management 1.0 OpenID Connect Front-Channel Logout 1.0 OpenID Connect Back-Channel Logout 1.0 OpenID Connect RP-Initiated Logout 1.0 A Final Specification provides intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification and is not subject to further revision. […]
Public Review Period for Second Proposed RISC Profile Implementer’s Draft
The OpenID Shared Signals and Events (SSE) Working Group recommends approval of the following specification as an OpenID Implementer’s Draft: OpenID RISC Profile Specification 1.0 An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This note starts the 45-day public review period for the specification […]
Guest Blog: Rachelle Sellung’s Experience as a 2022 Kim Cameron Award Recipient
When I found out that I was chosen to be one of the Kim Cameron Award winners from the OpenID foundation, I was truly humbled. While I did not know Kim Cameron personally, I knew of his work and his incredible impact as a visionary in the Identity space. With that, I am grateful for […]
Comparison of Available FAPI Profiles and Recommendations for New Markets Looking to Implement FAPI as their Security Profile
Financial-grade API (FAPI) Profiles Comparison of Available FAPI Profiles and Recommendations for New Markets Looking to Implement FAPI as their Security Profile This paper provides a comparison of available FAPI profiles and recommendations for new markets looking to implement FAPI as their security profile.