[OpenID board] Smoothing the OpenID Process

Nat Sakimura sakimura at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 00:01:02 PST 2009


After having worked through PAPE 1.0 spec process, as well as some other
spec proposals, I noticed that there can be several things that we can do to
smooth the process. I think they were worthwhile excercises to find out
these glitches.

Followings are the proposed motions that I would like the board to consider.
There are two types: one that can take effect immediately, and one that
requires board and membership voting.

*I. For immediate implementation of the current process: *

One of the obstacles that we have found during the process was that it was
kind of hard to get the specs council to deliver the recommendation in a
timely fashion. It has seen some improvement recently, but we want to make
sure to continue it. Thus, I would like to propose the following:

*BE IT RESOLVED that the OIDF Committee Liason is directed to act as the
coordinator for the specification council so that specification council
create a recommendation for the membership about a formal working group
proposal within 15 days of the complete proposal being circulated on
specs at openid.net to comply to the current OpenID process. *

*II. Improvements of curent porcess*

As a longer term solution, I would like to propose the following three
motions. The first two are to make sure the timely and effective response
from the specs council, and the last one is to protect the OpenID(TM) as
well as to make it easier to create a WG so that all the discussion will be
done inside the WG and the output is IPR clean.
BE IT RESOLVED that the members of OpenID Foundation board have agreed to
amend the OpenID process document so that should the specifications council
not create a recommendation for the membership about a formal working group
proposal within 15 days of the complete proposal being circulated on
specs at openid.net, then the proposal may proceed to a membership vote for
approval. *

*BE IT RESOLVED that the members of OpenID Foundation board have agreed to
amend the OpenID process document so that should specs council members not
participate in the discussion of two consecutive working group proposals,
they will be deemed to have resigned, and new specs council members who are
committed to participating in the process will be appointed to replace them.

*BE IT RESOLVED that the members of OpenID Foundation board have agreed to
amend the OpenID process document to clarify that no draft may claim OpenID
trademark until it is ratified to be an implementor's draft status or full
specification status. *

Please note that these consitute the core decision for IPR and process, so
it will have to go through the membership vote as well after creating the
actual errata.



Nat Sakimura (=nat)
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